
Adjusting to Life With Dentures

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Adjusting to Life With Dentures

Many of us think of tooth loss as something that only happens to older people, but the fact is, you can lose a tooth (or lots of teeth) at any age. In fact, the American College of Prosthodontists says nearly 40 million American adults have no natural teeth, and about 120 million are missing one or more teeth. 

While dental implants are an increasingly popular option for replacing missing teeth, many people prefer the traditional and more affordable option: dentures. The good news is, today’s dentures are made of lighter materials, making them more comfortable and more secure.

Timothy Tomase, DDS, and the team at Tomase Dental Care offer state-of-the-art dentures for patients in Toledo, Ohio, helping women and men restore oral function and confidence. In this post, you’ll learn what you can do to help you adjust to your new dentures as quickly as possible.

Read out loud

Reading out loud helps you get used to the way your dentures feel when you speak. Choose any material you like — books, magazines, websites, even the back of your cereal box. The more you read out loud, the more confident you’ll feel when speaking to others.

Use a mirror

At first, you might feel like your dentures look “odd” when you’re speaking or smiling. Using a mirror to watch your mouth while you read or speak out loud can help you feel confident about the way your dentures look to others, so you feel more self-assured in social situations.

Practice with a spouse or friend

If you still feel self-conscious about your dentures and your speech, try reading to your partner or a close friend. They can give you helpful feedback about any letters or combinations of letters that might need a little improvement.

Eat a variety of foods — at home

Plenty of people are worried about how their dentures will perform during meals: Will they slip or pop out? Practicing eating at home will help you feel prepared and confident when you go out to eat. Ideally, try lots of foods — sandwiches, salads, steak — and be sure to include whatever you’re most likely to order when you’re out with friends or family.

Follow your schedule

Dentures will feel odd at first, especially if you’ve never worn them. But it’s important to wear them as directed in order to adjust to them as quickly as possible. If you have any problems with fit or comfort or questions about wearing your dentures during the breaking-in period, give us a call.

Make use of adhesive

Today’s dentures are designed to hug the contours of your gums, and many people find they don’t need denture adhesive for many activities. But if you’re worried about slippage or if you have an important social event to attend, there’s nothing wrong with using some adhesive for added security. Use it sparingly, and be sure to remove it all when you brush your dentures before bed.

Schedule an adjustment

If, despite your practice, your dentures still feel too loose, too tight, or simply uncomfortable after a couple of weeks, give the office a call to schedule an adjustment. We use special tools to gently “reshape” your dentures so they fit better. If you notice any sore spots on your gums while you’re getting used to your dentures, call us right away so we can adjust them and help you avoid a sore that could lead to a potential infection.

Establish a care routine

Finally, to keep your dentures looking their best, you need to care for them. Typically, that simply means brushing them at least once a day with a soft-bristled brush and keeping them in their container when they’re out of your mouth. You can add denture tablets or a little mouthwash to the water in your container so your dentures are extra-fresh when you put them back in your mouth.

Even a single missing tooth can lead to more serious problems, including additional tooth loss in the future. To learn more about partial and full dentures and how they can help maintain your oral health, call 419-670-6537 or book an appointment online at Tomase Dental Care today.